Sunday, February 20, 2011

THON raises $9.6 million.

Another THON has ended and the dancers and all of the volunteers are home resting their feet and happy that they worked together to raise $9.6 million. CA Shonna Graham shares some thoughts after participating in her first THON at University Park:

"This is my first year at Thon and I am overwhelmed with emotion. To see all these people come together for a common beat pediatric amazing. It is wonderful to see everyone come out and really give it their all. It's important to realize that just because Thon may be coming down to it's final hours, it doesn't mean that we still can't help donate and raise money. I became actively involved in THON while I attended Penn State Mont Alto and I am proud to still be a member of THON. All those days of canning in like 4 degree weather, training, and getting myself mentally prepared for such a day was worth it. I lost my grandma to cancer so that initially was my driving force to getting involved with THON. I fell in love with THON. It was great to see all of the hard work that everyone did and to see that we raised 9.6 million dollars!!!!! I shed tears today but not of hate but of joy in knowing that we are here for these families and doing what we can to fight for the cure! For the kids!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, CA Shonna Graham shares these thoughts:

"On Valentine's day, I plan to spend time with my residents. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see my boyfriend because of time conflicts, but what better way than to hang out with my residents! A couple of my residents expressed to me that Valentines Day is a pretty sucky holiday and that Valentine's Day should really be called "Single Awareness" Day! We all plan on going out to dinner and then coming back and watching romantic/funny movies!
I enjoy skyping with my family and friends on Valentine's day when I am not able to see them. What most people don't understand is that Valentine's day is a day of love and showing others that you care about them. It doesn't necessarily mean it is just for couples. Spread love to everyone. Show your friends you are for them by making a personalized v-day card, show your parents you love them by actually calling and most importantly, treat yourself to something nice because you are a wonderful person!
So for this Valentine's day, get off of your bed and get out to spread the love!"

How do you plan to spend Valentine's Day?